Leicester Bowling Club is one of the longest established clubs in the City. It is located 2 miles south of the town centre just off the A5199 (Welford Rd). It has excellent clubhouse facilities and a bowls green that is rated amongst the best in Leicestershire.
Come along and try Lawn Bowls
A warm welcome awaits all visitors to this friendly club. The Club offers a range of membership options to suit all abilities and ages.
We would like to personally invite you to try the game of Lawn Bowls. Telephone, call in or email and enquire how you can try the game for free. Free coaching and equipment can be provided. The only criteria, is that you wear flat soled shoes on the Green.
Monday evenings (6.00pm) are our ‘chummies’ nights for all bowlers. Newcomers are able to learn to play the game and qualified, experienced coaches are on hand to develop skills and knowledge of bowls. Experienced bowlers are always welcome to view our facilities and try the Green.
The Club organises ‘open days’ each year and with membership levels from £30(p.a.) people of all abilities, very young to the retired person, male and female can enjoy this most relaxing if sometimes passionate sport.
Background and history
The Leicester Bowling Club was formed in 1906 and the centenary was recorded with the publication of our history handbook. Extracts and photographs from the Handbook are shown below with kind permission of authors and researchers P Thake, J McVicar, D Morgan
The Club was founded in 1906 and a pavilion was built in 1907 on land on Victoria Road, now known as University Road, and leased to the Club by the Corporation. In the same year the green was laid with Cumberland Turf – the first time this was used locally. The green was officially opened in June 1907.
An extension was built to the pavilion in 1924 which consisted of both a Committee Room and Ladies’ Room.